The significant features of Indian Cows
Long Ears
Hump of the Shoulder
In the neck the skin will be hanging.
Suryaketu nerve on the back, It is believed that Suryaketu nerve
absorbs medicinal essences from atmosphere and makes milk, urine and cow dung
more nourishing.
The ability to shake only a particular part of the body, for
example it can shake only the skin the stomach area without shaking the other
part of the body.
It can withstand the climatic conditions of this country, either
hot, rain or cold.
It delivers around 15 to 20 calf’s in his life span.
It can walk for more kilometers and work hard accepting the
climatic conditions of this part of the world.
A cow in its lifespan feeds thousands of people, and one cow is
sufficient to do farming in 10 acres of land