Friday, January 19, 2018

Gomatha/Cow in PURANAS

Gomatha/Cow in PURANAS  


§  The earth-goddess Prithvi was, in the form of a cow, successively milked of various beneficent substances for the benefit of humans, by various deities.  
§  गावो बंधुर्मनुष्याणां मनुष्याबांधवा गवाम्  गौः यस्मिन् गृहेनास्ति तद्बंधुरहितं गृहम्           (Padmapurana)  
Cows are the abode of the Goddess of wealth. Sins don’t touch them. There exists a fine relationship between man and cow. A home without a cow is like one without dear ones.  


§  The Harivamsha depicts Krishna as a cowherd. He is often described as Bala Gopala, "the child who protects the cows." Another of Krishna's names, Govinda, means "one who brings satisfaction to the cows." Other scriptures identify the cow as the "mother" of all civilization, its milk nurturing the population. The gift of a cow is applauded as the highest kind of gift.  
§  The milk of a cow is believed to promote Sattvic (purifying) qualities. The ghee (clarified butter) from the milk of a cow is used in ceremonies and in preparing religious food. Cow dung is used as fertilizer, as a fuel and as a disinfectant in homes.  


§  (Canto 11, chapter 5, verse 14 :5) "Those who are ignorant of the absolute truth and believe they are virtuous although wicked and arrogant who kill animals without any feeling of remorse or fear of punishment are devoured by those very same animals in their next birth."  
§  (Chapter 8, 8.2)   tām agni-hotrīm ṛṣayo jagṛhur brahma-vādinaḥ yajñasya deva-yānasya medhyāya haviṣe nṛpa  
O King Parīkṣit, great sages who were completely aware of the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies took charge of that surabhi cow, which produced all the yogurt, milk and ghee absolutely necessary for offering oblations into the fire. They did this just for the sake of pure ghee, which they wanted for the performance of sacrifices to elevate themselves to the higher planetary systems, up to Brahmaloka.
§  (Canto 8: Chapter 24, Text 5) BRAHMINICAL CULTURE CANNOT BE MAINTAINED WITHOUT COW PROTECTION “.  Without protection of cows, brahminical culture cannot be maintained; and without brahminical culture, the aim of life cannot be fulfilled. 


 gävo bhütäm ca bhävyaà cagävah pustih sanätanégävo laksmäs tathä mülaàgoñu dattam na naçyati

"The cow is the past and future. She nourishes the health of all living entities, and she is the root of prosperity. The piety one achieves by feeding a cow in never destroyed."
annaà hy paramam gävodevänäà paramaà haviùsvähakära vañaö käraugoñu nityaà pratiñöhitau

The cow is the cause of one's accumulation of food grains. She awards the best sacrificial ingredients to the demigods. The sacrifice of the demigods and the sacrifice of Indra are both performed on the basis of the cow.

gävo yajïasya hy phalaàgoñu yajnah pratiñöhitahgävo bhaviçyaà bhütaà cagoñu -yajïäù pratiñöhitaù 
"It is the cow which awards the result of sacrifice. The performance of sacrifice is dependent upon her. She is the past and future. All sacrifices are based upon her."

 säyaà prätaçca satataàhoma käle mahädyutegävo dadati vai homyamåñibhyaù puruñarsabha

 "O greatly powerful King, every morning and evening when the sages perform fire sacrifices, it is the cow who supplies them the essential ingredients, in the form of ghee, etc."

yäni käni ca durgäniduñkåtäni kåtäni cataranti caiva papmänaàdhenuà ye dadati prabho
"My dear King, those who give milk-cows in charity become liberated from all types of danger, and also become free from all sinful reactions."

nä kértayitvä gäha supyättäsäà saàsmrtyä cotpatetsäyäà prätar namasye cagästataù pustimäpnuyät
 "Do not go to bed at night without praising cows. Do not get up in the morning without remembering the cow. Offer respect to the cow daily, in the morning. By doing so, a human being achieves strength and nourishment."

gaväà mütra purisasyanodvijeta kathaïcanana cäsäà mäàsa maçnéyädgaväà pustià tathäpnuyät
 "Do not hate cow urine and cow dung. Never eat cow meat. By following this advice, human beings can become prosperous."

gäçca sankértaye nityaànäva manyeta tästathäanistaà svapramälaksyagäà naraù samprakértayet
 "Chant the name of the cow daily and never insult her. If one sees a bad dream, one should immediately remember the cow."

ghåtena juhuyädagnighåtena svasti väcayetghåtaà dadyät ghåtaà präçodgaväà pustià sadäçnute
 "Use ghee in fire sacrifices. Use ghee in all auspicious activities. Donate ghee and also use it for personal necessities. By doing this, the human beings will always support the cows and understand their value.

gävo maàupatisthantuhema çrìgyäh payo mucahsurahu saurabhe yaçcasaritah sägaraà yathä
 "As the rivers flow into the ocean, may Surabhi and Saurabheyi cows that give milk and have horn covered with gold, come to me."

gaväà dåñövä namaskåtyakuryäcciva pradakñinaàpradakiñné kåtä tenasaptadvipä vasundharä
 mätarah sarva bhütänäàgävah sarva sukha pradähvåddhià äkaàçatä nityaàgävah käryäh pradakñinäh  
 "One should see, offer obeisances, and circumambulate the cow. By doing so, one is supposed to have circumambulated the entire earth, with its seven islands. The cow is the mother of all. She gives happiness to everyone. People who desire prosperity should daily circumambulate the cow."   

Rik Samhita 

यः पौरुषेण क्रविषा समंक्ते यो अश्वेन पशुना यातुधानः  ये अघ्न्याये भरति क्षीरमग्ने तेषां शीर्षाणि हरसापि वृश्चः   (Rik Samhita 87 – 161)  
Oh fire god, with your flames burn the heads of those demons who eat the meat of humans, animals like horse and cow, and those who steal cows’ milk.  
प्रजापतिर्मह्यमेता रराणो विश्वैर्देवैः पितृभिः संविदानः  शिवाः सतीरुप नो गोष्ठमाकस्तासां वयं प्रजया संसदेम   (Rik Samhita 10 – 169 – 4)  
May the supreme Lord, complemented by all the Gods, create auspicious and spacious cowsheds for our happiness and populate them with cows and calves. Let us rejoice the cow-wealth and contend by serving those cows.

 Other information: 

सा नो मंद्रेषमूर्जम् दुहाना  धेनुर्वा गस्मानुष सुष्टुतैतु  
She is Kamadhenu – the divine cow that fulfils all our desires. Her body is of cow and face is of a woman. She was born before the amrutha when the ocean was churned. Her hair exudes fragrance. From her udder she showers Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. She is an abode to self-knowledge, shelters, Sun, Moon and Fire God. All the Gods and the living beings depend on her. She provides us with food and supreme knowledge even when we mildly pray. Let her be near us.  

पीतोदका जग्धतृणा दुग्धदेहा निरिंद्रियाः  आनंदा नाम तेलोकस्तान् गच्चति ता ददत्  

These cows have eaten grass and have taken water. They have been milked. They are past reproductive age. One who donates these old cows will go to place of darkness devoid of pleasures. Instead, donate me. (Kathopanishat – Nachiketa tells sage Vajashravas during Vishwajit Yaga)  

पार्थो वत्सः सुधीर्भोक्तादुग्धं गीतामृतः महत्  
Bhagavad-Gita is the essence of Upanishads. It is like a cow whom Srikrishna milks. Arjuna is like a calf. The learned devotees are drinking the ambrosial milk of Bhagavad-Gita.  

गौर्मे माता वृषभः पिता मे दिवं शर्म जगते मे प्रतिष्ठा  

Cow is my mother and ox my father. Let the pair bless me with happiness in this world and bliss in heaven. I depend on cow for my life – thus stating one should surrender to cow.  

वागिंद्रियस्वरूपायै नमः  वाचावृत्तिप्रद्दयिन्यै नमः  अकारादिक्षकारांतवैखरीवक्स्वरूपिण्य़ै नमः
 (Atri Samhita 310)  
By the service of the cow and consuming cow products, awareness and spirit, both enhance. 

यन्न वेद्ध्वनिध्यांतं गोभिरलंकृतम्  यन्नबालैः परिवृतं श्मशानमिव तद्गृहम्         (Vishnusmriti)  
The house where Vedas are not chanted, where cows are not seen where children are not around it is like a graveyard.  

गोमूत्रगोमयं सर्पि क्षीरं दधि रोचना  षदंगमेतत् परमं मांगल्यं सर्वदा गवाम्  
Cow’s urine, dung, milk, ghee, curd and gorochana – these six are the most auspicious products.  

एक गाय अपने जीवन काल में 4,10,440 मनुष्यों हेतु एक समय का भोजन जुटाती है, जब की उस के मांस से 80 मांसाहारी केवल एक समय में अपना पेट भर सकते हैं ! -: स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती (गो करुना निधि किताब में से )  

Panchagavya Mix: Various medical formulations like Panchagavya Ghrita, Amritadara, Ghanavati, Ksharavati, Netrasara etc. are invaluable medicines in Ayurvedic system.     

yatvagasthi gatam papam dehe tishthti mamke prasnat panchgavyasya dahasagnirivendhnam    

Meaning: From skin to bones, whatever sins (diseases) are in my body, are destroyed by panchagavya just as fire destroys fuel.